How old is Tarek Allen Maleh?
Tarek Allen Maleh was born on 24 December 2008.
Tarek Allen Maleh is 16 years old.
How old is Tarek Allen Maleh in days now?
Tarek Allen Maleh is 16 years 3 months 1 day old.
Total 5,935 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tarek Allen Maleh?
Tarek Allen Maleh's next birthday is in 8 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tarek Allen Maleh?
Zodiac sign of Tarek Allen Maleh is Capricorn.
A social media star and a gamer from Kuwait, Tarek Allen Maleh is also known as the younger brother of Asala Maleh who is huge on YouTube. Tarek was born in 2008 and spent most of his life in the USA where his family moved to when he was a baby. His teenage passion for playing computer games helped him to specify the main focus for his online activities, and in the late 2010s it was a Twitch channel that he opened first in order to attract some public attention and share some interesting streams. Due to his incredible natural charm and being a brother of a superstar helped Tarik a lot to make his Instagram account popular. The stuff like family photos, photos from his gamins sessions, some positive videos and POV have helped his to amass about a third of a million fans on his page (as of Feb 2025). Of course, all the fans of Asala love Tarik Allen Maleh and do their best to boost his pages too.