How old is Babyface.s?
Babyface.s was born on 26 December 2001. Babyface.s died on 19 July 2021 at the age of 19 years.
What was the exact age of Babyface.s?
Babyface.s's exact age was 19 years 6 months 23 days old. Babyface.s lived for total 7,145 days.
What would be the age of Babyface.s if alive?
Babyface.s's exact age would be 23 years 3 months 2 days old if alive. Total 8,493 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Babyface.s?
Zodiac sign of Babyface.s is Capricorn.
A promising and very successful teenage content maker, Matima Miller was known as Babyface.s or Swavy and his channel on TikTok that he was running only for 1 year turned into a great place to find some great comedy content. He was born in 2001 in Delaware and spent all of his life there, alongside his family and friends. He was close with his younger brother who is now also popular on the platform. Matima uploaded his first videos to the newly launched channel in 2020 and immediately turned into a rapidly growing social media star. His content was fresh and varied, he would try to find some interesting and entertaining moments in many aspects of life, from traditional music and comedy skits to sports and work. He was vary good at making reaction videos as well, so his unique skills helped him to amass over 2.2 million followers by the mid 2021. However, so sadly, in the summer of 2021 he lost his life as a result of shooting in Wilmington, Delaware, and he was only 19 years old... After his death, his channel Babyface.s continued to gain subscribers who wanted to pay their respect to the successful social media infleuncer.