How old is Jonathan Davis?
Jonathan Davis was born on 18 January 1971.
Jonathan Davis is 54 years old.
How old is Jonathan Davis in days now?
Jonathan Davis is 54 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 19,791 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jonathan Davis?
Jonathan Davis's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jonathan Davis?
Zodiac sign of Jonathan Davis is Capricorn.
Jonathan Davis is a heavy metal singer and the lead singer of a cult band KORN known for its unique style named nu metal. He was born in 1971 in California, to the father who was a keyboard player and played with various musicians including Frank Zappa. His mum was an actress and she had three more children apart of Jon. He was growing up as a very unusual and rebel kind of kid, who loved music that not so many people could listen to. He started his path in music by recording his first compositions in his dad's garage. In the early 1990s Davis founded a metal band that they named Korn and it took a few years for him to develop into a very strong and charismatic stage performer, with a very strong voice and distinctive image. So far, the band has recorded 14 albums and a number of bright hits including "Freak On a Leash", "Blind", "Got the Life", and many others. In 2018 Jonathan Davis released his solo album, as well as collaborated with some other bands as a lead singer. He is known also as a multi musician and can play more than 6 musical instruments. He has tried himself in a variety of genres, from nu metal to DJ music. For most of his life he has been passionate for various kinds of arts, from horror movies to comics. He was married twice and has three children.