How old is Lola Young?

Lola Young was born on 4 January 2001.
Lola Young is 24 years old.

How old is Lola Young in days now?

Lola Young is 24 years 2 months 5 days old.
Total 8,830 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lola Young?

Lola Young's next birthday is in 9 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lola Young?

Zodiac sign of Lola Young is Capricorn.

A charming and talented British pop singer, Lola Young has got fame in the early 2020s for her cover of a song "Together In Electric Dreams", and then continued to release her own singles. Born in 2001 in London, she grew up in Beckengham and finished primary and secondary schools there. Her mum and her stepdad had to do with music, and of course they were extremely supportive to Lola's aspirations to become a musician and songwriter. As a teenager she would enter a few song competitions and win some, with one of her earliest songs "Never Enough". In 2018 she graduated from the BRIT school and made up her mind to continue as a stage singer, and a year later she was discovered by one of the recording companies, so Lola signed up and released her first professional single "6 Feet Under" which was followed by her first EP. In thee early 2020s she got fame on the national level, and in 2023 her first studio album came out marking her first serious breakthrough. Next year, he second studio album presented really great song titled "Messy" which was the first songs by Lola Young to reach the first lines in the charts in the UK, Ireland, and Australia. She has recently collaborated with Tyler the Creator and recorded a joint song "Like Him" which was later on included in his album Chromakopia.

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