How old is JayKlickin?
JayKlickin was born on 7 January 2005.
JayKlickin is 20 years old.
How old is JayKlickin in days now?
JayKlickin is 20 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 7,372 days old now.
When is the next birthday of JayKlickin?
JayKlickin's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of JayKlickin?
Zodiac sign of JayKlickin is Capricorn.
JayKlickin is a young rap star who comes from a famous family of online rappers who rose to fame as social media platform users. His elder brother is JStar Balla whose singles "Steady" or "Like This" are known to rap fans. His younger brothers are DD Osama and the late Notti Osama, who tragically lost his life at the age of 14. Jay was born in 2005 and spent his life alongside his family, so of course he made his first steps in rapping together with all his brothers. One of the best examples of their joint work is their single "Da Real Brotherly Love" recorded together with JStar and DD. On his TikTok channel JayKlickin has been recently sharing plenty of clips and videos presenting some dance or his new songs. It is also possible to find him on Instagram where as of the early 2025 he is followed by about 200,000 subscribers from all around the country.