How old is Flo Milli?

Flo Milli was born on 9 January 2000.
Flo Milli is 25 years old.

How old is Flo Milli in days now?

Flo Milli is 25 years 2 months 10 days old.
Total 9,201 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Flo Milli?

Flo Milli's next birthday is in 9 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Flo Milli?

Zodiac sign of Flo Milli is Capricorn.

A rising rap star, Flo Milli has been noticed for her unique experimental approach in free styling and distinctive raw voice which make her outstanding and easily recognizable. She comes from Alabama where she was born in 2002, and her real name is Tamia Monique Carter. Her amazing talents for singing have been revealing since the very early years, and with a great support of her mum, Flo began to take part in school musicals and other performances in her pre teen age times. When she turned 17, she got seriously into rapping and began to record some of her first compositions. Inspired by her fellow Alabama-born rapper Daysha Taylor, Flo continued to try to build a career in rapping, and one of her first singles "No Hook" attracted some public interest. Other notable songs of her include the compositions "Beef Flo Mix", "In the Party", "Hot", "Conceited", and such. In the early 2020 her first studio album came out, followed by a mixtape titled Ho, Why Is You Here? In 2024 one more studio album by Flo Milli was released, with its cool single "Never Lose Me". She has had a few musical award nominations before and will definitely receive a lot of awards in the nearest future.

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