How old is nafeesisboujee?

nafeesisboujee was born on 7 January 2005.
nafeesisboujee is 20 years old.

How old is nafeesisboujee in days now?

nafeesisboujee is 20 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 7,372 days old now.

When is the next birthday of nafeesisboujee?

nafeesisboujee's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of nafeesisboujee?

Zodiac sign of nafeesisboujee is Capricorn.

An LA based rising hip hop star, Nafeesisboujeej is a musician who has released a few singles that made him one of the most promising teenage rap stars. He came to this world in 2005 in California and started rapping basically as a young child. In his early teen ages he decided to promote his compositions online and opened his social media accounts on Instagram and YouTube. After gaining some good popularity as an online singer, in 2019 he signed up with a recording agency and released his first single titled "Spin U Round". Since then he has released over 59 more singles that makes him quite a prolific musician. His recording on 2023 titled "Stephanie" brought him some real fame, and as of the early 2025, there are over 23 million views of it on Spotify. One can find plenty of brand new recordings by Nafeesisboujeej on Spotify, dated by the early 2025. Now he spends his life between LA and NYC trying to perform and promote his new singles to the general public in these cities.

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