How old is Sloane Veronico?

Sloane Veronico was born on 2 January 2002.
Sloane Veronico is 23 years old.

How old is Sloane Veronico in days now?

Sloane Veronico is 23 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 8,467 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sloane Veronico?

Sloane Veronico's next birthday is in 9 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sloane Veronico?

Zodiac sign of Sloane Veronico is Capricorn.

A super sweet lady with lovely dimples, Sloane Veronico is a TikTok channel owner who has gained some extensive experience in making entertaining and funny content like skits, challenges, jokes, and such that she usually performs with her family and friends. Born in 2002 in Texas, she spent her early years alongside her family and was growing up as a very sporty and interested child. She loved music, the Internet, skateboarding and other outdoor activities. Her personal accounts on such popular platforms as Instagram and TikTok were launched in the early 2020s, with the idea of sharing the highlights of her life and bring positivity into the life of the viewers and subscribers. It seems that the chosen mission is being carried out quite well, and numerous fans of her pages (which is about 1 million on TikTok, as of February 2025) come back again and again to watch some interesting content. Sloane Veronico definitely has great perspectives as an outstanding social media influencer in the coming years.

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