How old is Poppy?
Poppy was born on 1 January 1995.
Poppy is 30 years old.
How old is Poppy in days now?
Poppy is 30 years 2 months 30 days old.
Total 11,047 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Poppy?
Poppy's next birthday is in 9 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Poppy?
Zodiac sign of Poppy is Capricorn.
Poppy is a cool American singer who became famous for her hits that were successfully promoted online. Her real name is Moriah Pereira and she was born in 1995 in Nashville. She was interested in music and started singing when she was very young. Just like most of the young people of her age, Moriah started being active in social networking sites when she was 16. She opened her YouTube account and began sharing her music videos as well as her self-made videos about her personal life. Just a few years later her channel started becoming really popular and Poppy joined many large social networking communities. Her songs like "Everybody Wants to Be Poppy" and others were accepted warmly by her fans. In 2018, Poppy was featured at YouTube Red channel. In 2020 her third studio album named I Disagree came out which had really clear elements of industrial rock and heavy metal in its songs. In 2021 she received a Grammy nomination. In 2023 her fifth studio album came out, and a year later one more album titled Negative Spaces was released.