How old is Nipsey Hussle?
Nipsey Hussle was born on 15 August 1985. Nipsey Hussle died on 31 March 2019 at the age of 33 years.
What was the exact age of Nipsey Hussle?
Nipsey Hussle's exact age was 33 years 7 months 16 days old. Nipsey Hussle lived for total 12,281 days.
What would be the age of Nipsey Hussle if alive?
Nipsey Hussle's exact age would be 39 years 7 months 16 days old if alive. Total 14,473 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nipsey Hussle?
Zodiac sign of Nipsey Hussle is Leo.
Nipsey Hussle (sometimes spelled as Nipsey Hu$$le) was a hip hopper and businessman who has got fame for his recordings and activism. Born Erimas Joseph Ashgedom in 1985 in LA, he was raised alongside his two siblings, a brother and a sister. He left school when he was only 14 years old and decided to focus solely on his rapping career. His first mixtape came out in 2005 and it was just the first attempt to establish himself in music. His following EPs The Marathon and The Marathon Continues had much higher national success and attracted attention to the young rapper. He collaborated with such stars ad Jay Z, Drake, YG and other rappers. In the mid 2010s, Hussle opened his own recording studio, launched a few clothing lines named The Marathon, as well as was heavily involved in various community projects like improving school programs, meeting the youth and promoting healthy lifestyle among the young people, etc. Nipsey Hussle was murdered in 2019, right near his own clothing shop by a crazy young rapper. He was heavily mourned by his fans around the world...