How old is Michael Bublé?
Michael Bublé was born on 9 September 1975.
Michael Bublé is 49 years old.
How old is Michael Bublé in days now?
Michael Bublé is 49 years 6 months 4 days old.
Total 18,083 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Michael Bublé?
Michael Bublé's next birthday is in 5 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Michael Bublé?
Zodiac sign of Michael Bublé is Virgo.
A charismatic jazz singer of Canadian origins, Michael Buble is a Grammy-winning singer who is considered to be among the most recognizable jazzmen in Canada. He was born in 1975 in British Columbia and grew up in Burnaby alongside his strict Catholic family. His father noticed his amazing talent to singing wen Michael was a young teenager, and when he was 16 he started receiving his first professional engagements as a singer. His first solo album came out in 2002 and became number 1 in Canada and the UK. Two of the next albums of his titled Call Me Irresponsible and It's Time also achieved the first line in musical charts. His albums of 2010s were sold in very impressive numbers, and Buble's hits like "It's a Beautiful Day", "Home", "Nobody But Me", etc, became famous all around the world. So far, as of the mid 2022, he has released 11 studio albums and has taken part in many TV projects. He has also tried himself in acting and appeared in a few movies, has won three Grammy and a large number of other respectable musical awards. Michal Buble is married to an Argentinean actress Louisana Lopilato and the couple has 4 children including their daughter born in summer 2022.