How old is Margaret Thatcher?
Margaret Thatcher was born on 13 October 1925. Margaret Thatcher died on 28 April 2013 at the age of 87 years.
What was the exact age of Margaret Thatcher?
Margaret Thatcher's exact age was 87 years 6 months 15 days old. Margaret Thatcher lived for total 31,974 days.
What would be the age of Margaret Thatcher if alive?
Margaret Thatcher's exact age would be 99 years 4 months 9 days old if alive. Total 36,292 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Margaret Thatcher?
Zodiac sign of Margaret Thatcher is Libra.
Margaret Thatcher was a prominent political and social leader of the United Kingdom in the late 20th and the early 21st century. Born Margaret Tilda Roberts in 1925 in Lincolnshire, in her childhood she was extremely interested in science and was a very good student. She studied chemistry in Oxford and graduated with Bachelor degree in 1947. She did not work much as a scientist because in the 1950s she got interested in jurisprudence and studied common law, further working on this field. In the early 1960s Thatcher she was elected as a member of the Parliament and started her way in British politics. She was appointed a Secretary of State for Education and Science, and shortly after she became one of the leaders of the Conservative Party of the UK. Thatcher became the Prime Minister of the county in 1979 and became the longest serving Prime Minister of the 20th century. She has implemented a range of the reforms and became a founder of the national political and economic development known as Thatcherism, focusing on combining classical approaches with free market economy. After retiring from the British Government Margaret Thatcher worked for over 2 decades in the House of Lords. She passed away in 2013, at the age of 83.She was married and had a daughter and a son.
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