How old is Jimmy Carter?
Jimmy Carter was born on 1 October 1924.
Jimmy Carter is 100 years old.
How old is Jimmy Carter in days now?
Jimmy Carter is 100 years 5 months 24 days old.
Total 36,700 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jimmy Carter?
Jimmy Carter's next birthday is in 6 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jimmy Carter?
Zodiac sign of Jimmy Carter is Libra.
Jimmy Carter is a politician, the 39th President of the United States and the winner of a Noble Prize for Peace. He was born in 1924 in Georgia and grew up in the city of Plains. He was the oldest child of his parents and grew up alongside his three siblings. In 1946 he graduated from the US Naval Academy and continued to serve in the US Navy service. Upon finishing the service he returned back home and started trying himself as a social right activist and later on joined the Democratic party. In the mid 1960s he served as a member of the Georgia State Senate, and then he assumed the responsibility of the Governor of Georgia. In 1976 he joined the presidential election campaign and eventually became the 39th President of the US. His both national and foreign policies were successful, and such reformations of his as stopping energy shortages and promoting green energy, focusing on various humanitarian activities, helping in solving various international problems in the Middle East and improving the relationships between the US and China, are among the most notable achievements of Carter's presidency. In 1980 he lost his next campaign to Ronald Raegan and after that got involved in various activities directed to protecting human rights. He became a founder of the Carter Center, an organization that works on human right protection, as well as wrote a number of books on various topics. In 2002 he received a Noble Peace Prize for his work. In October 2024 Jimmy Carter became the first President of the US to reach the age of 100.
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