How old is Blu Amal Saleh?
Blu Amal Saleh was born on 10 January 2023.
Blu Amal Saleh is 2 years old.
How old is Blu Amal Saleh in days now?
Blu Amal Saleh is 2 years 2 months 15 days old.
Total 805 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Blu Amal Saleh?
Blu Amal Saleh's next birthday is in 9 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Blu Amal Saleh?
Zodiac sign of Blu Amal Saleh is Capricorn.
A lovely celebrity child, Blu Amal Saleh is the daughter of a Columbian TV star Andrea Espada and a photographer famous on Instagram as 4kpapi. Blu Amal has the elder brother Milan Espada born in 2020, and she is three years younger. She has also got an elder half brother known as Ferran The Fashion King, who is the eldest son of her mum. Just like it happens with all long awaited celebrity kids, the whole life of Blu Amal has been recorded and demonstrated on her personal social media accounts and on the accounts of her parents. He mum has been sharing plenty of footage and pictures with the little princess since she was born, and there is also a personal Instagram account created for Blu Amal Saleh and run be her mum and dad. As of March 2025, there are about 150,000 followers subscribed to the account and have a chance to get inspired by daily photos that are being posted there.
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