How old is Navey McBride?
Navey McBride was born on 31 August 2020.
Navey McBride is 4 years old.
How old is Navey McBride in days now?
Navey McBride is 4 years 6 months 22 days old.
Total 1,667 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Navey McBride?
Navey McBride's next birthday is in 5 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Navey McBride?
Zodiac sign of Navey McBride is Virgo.
Navey McBride is a daughter of a star couple, Jenny and Shawn McBride who are known YouTubers. They rose to fame for their family channel called Shonduras where they share their family adventures and stories. Navey was born in 2020 and is the third child of the family. She has got an elder sister Adley and an elder brother Niko. Her birth and the first steps in this world were tracked by her fans on her parents' channel, and also there is a personal Instagram account titled naveymcbride and ran by her mum. As of the mid 2024, there are over 20 thousand people following her account. Some of her videos that appear on the family channel amassed over 1 million views, those include mainly the ones where Navey McBride appears alongside her elder siblings.
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