How old is Ocean Ortiz?

Ocean Ortiz was born on 8 January 2024.
Ocean Ortiz is 1 year old.

How old is Ocean Ortiz in days now?

Ocean Ortiz is 1 year 2 months 17 days old.
Total 442 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ocean Ortiz?

Ocean Ortiz's next birthday is in 9 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ocean Ortiz?

Zodiac sign of Ocean Ortiz is Capricorn.

One of the cutest and sweetest baby-superstars, Ocean Ortiz is the youngest sibling of Txunamy and the fifth child of Esthalla Ortiz and Sdiezzel. The family is known for their popular family YouTube channel titled Familia Diamond, with the current number of the followers exceeding 11 million people (as of the spring of 2025). Ocean was born in January 2024 and was a long awaited child in the family. He appeared in the channel literally in the first minutes of his arrival, in the video named "Baby is here" which was viewed by over a million of the family fans. In addition to his extremely popular elder sister, Ocean has also got one more sister Solage Ortiz, as well as two extremely cool brothers Diezel Ortiz and Ranger Ortiz. Of course, nowadays he is the center of the attention of his parents and siblings, so Ocean Ortiz has appeared in every single piece of content of his family since the moment of his birth.

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