How old is Harlow Luna White?

Harlow Luna White was born on 1 September 2011.
Harlow Luna White is 13 years old.

How old is Harlow Luna White in days now?

Harlow Luna White is 13 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 4,938 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Harlow Luna White?

Harlow Luna White's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Harlow Luna White?

Zodiac sign of Harlow Luna White is Virgo.

Harlow Luna White is a talented teenage social media star who has managed to attract plenty of fans and followers to her Instagram account. Born in 2011 in the UK, to the family of Chelsea White, a known British photographer, Harlow was raised alongside her younger brother Harlen Bodhi White who is also a child model and a young Instagram star. Harlow appeared on YouTube when she was only 3 weeks old, and that video where her mum was bathing her in a sink attracted almost one hundred thousand views. There are many other videos that show numerous talents of Harlow Luna, including her great skills in horse riding which has been her passion since her early years. As of the early 2020s she has 4 horses named Panda, Popcorn, Rolo, and Cloudy. Despite her young age, she has taken part in many modeling and commercial filming projects, as well as collaborated with a number of sponsoring organizations who supported her training as an equestrian and education. Currently, Harlow Luna White has about a quarter of a million fans on her Instagram account.

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