How old is Tito Jackson?

Tito Jackson was born on 15 October 1953. Tito Jackson died on 15 September 2024 at the age of 70 years.

What was the exact age of Tito Jackson?

Tito Jackson's exact age was 70 years 11 months old. Tito Jackson lived for total 25,903 days.

What would be the age of Tito Jackson if alive?

Tito Jackson's exact age would be 71 years 5 months 10 days old if alive. Total 26,094 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tito Jackson?

Zodiac sign of Tito Jackson is Libra.

Tito Jackson was a guitarist, bluesman, and famous musician known as one of the members of the Jackson 5, alongside his brother Michael Jackson. Tito was born in 1953 in Indiana and was one of the siblings of Michael Jackson. They were raised by their father who was an amateur musician, and their mum who was a housewife raising her 10 children. Tito taught himself to play his dad's guitar and in the mid 1960s became a member of the Jackson 5, together with his other 4 brothers including Michael. During the 1970s and 1980s they recorded a number of albums and singles like "Enjoy Yourself", "Can You Feel It", and others, joined a few talent shows and other TV projects, made plenty of live performances. Tito would write songs for his famous brother Michael and sisters La Toya and Janet. He started his solo career in the early 2000s and promoted himself as a blues singer. During the late 2000s and early 2010s he would be playing in some local bars and on some local stages, and only in 2016 Tito recorded his solo album called Tito Time. His second solo album came out in 2021. His most known hits include "Get It Baby", "Love One Another", and such. Tito Jackson was married to Delores Martes with whom he had 3 children who later on formed a band named 3T. He passed away in September 2024 after a heart attack, at the age of 70.

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