How old is Charlie Kirk?
Charlie Kirk was born on 14 October 1993.
Charlie Kirk is 31 years old.
How old is Charlie Kirk in days now?
Charlie Kirk is 31 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 11,467 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Charlie Kirk?
Charlie Kirk's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Charlie Kirk?
Zodiac sign of Charlie Kirk is Libra.
Charlie Kirk is a political activist, business executive, author, and social media influencer, who is the best known as a co-founder of Turning Point USA. He was born in 1993 and raised in Chicago. Charlie was a very active child and a member of a local boy scout organization. It turned out that he got involved in politics when he was a student of Harper College by supporting an electoral campaign of Mark Kirk (not his relative!). Later on he dropped out of college with hopes to continue his career as a political activist, and in 2012 he became one of the co-founders of TPUSA which is a non-profit establishment advocating for the basics of conservative ideology, as well as started to work as its executive director. He truly dedicated his youth to promoting, developing, and expanding the activities of the organization, so his hard work resulted in affiliated companies like TP Action or TP Faith. In the late 2010s he would appear in the most popular political TV shows, as well as included in the list by Forbes named 30 Under 30. Charlie Kirk is known as an avid supporter of Donald Trump and took part in both of his presidential campaigns. In 2024, he toured around colleges and promoted Trump among generation Z voters.
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