How old is Trey Parker?

Trey Parker was born on 19 October 1969.
Trey Parker is 55 years old.

How old is Trey Parker in days now?

Trey Parker is 55 years 4 months 18 days old.
Total 20,230 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Trey Parker?

Trey Parker's next birthday is in 7 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Trey Parker?

Zodiac sign of Trey Parker is Libra.

Trey Parker is an American animator, actor, writer, producer, and musician, known as one of the producers of a cult animated series South Park, as well as a few others. He entered his life in 1969 and was raised in Colorado, where as a child he loved watching TV and started to write his first sketches as a young teenager. He studied cinema art and music at the University of Colorado and met Matt Stone who later on became his partner in many business projects. In the early 1990s they produced their first movies together including Cannibal The Musical. Closer to the end of the decade the duo moved to California and started producing one of their most successful projects so far, South Park which is known around the world and brought Parker and Stone real fame. In addition to the series, there was a movie and two soundtrack albums released. In the 2000s such movies as Team America: World Police and The Aristocrats came out followed by one more extremely successful musical comedy named The Book of Mormon. For the latter and South Park, Trey Parker received a Grammy Award, four Tony Awards, five Emmy awards, and many other less known ones. In 2017 he took part in producing Despicable Me 3.

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