How old is Kim Jong-un?

Kim Jong-un was born on 8 January 1982.
Kim Jong-un is 43 years old.

How old is Kim Jong-un in days now?

Kim Jong-un is 43 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 15,788 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kim Jong-un?

Kim Jong-un's next birthday is in 9 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kim Jong-un?

Zodiac sign of Kim Jong-un is Capricorn.

Kim Jong-un is the Supreme Leader of the North Korean Republic and quite a mysterious person, due to the very closed lifestyle of the whole country he is ruling. It is not clear even when exactly he was born, with most of the sources saying it was 1982, but some evidence pointing that he can be one or two years younger. He is one of 5 children of Kim Jong-il, who was the leader of the country for 14 years, until his death in 2011. Kim Jong-un is reported to study in Europe under a different name, and since 2011 he has been the Great Successor and the leader of North Korea. He is the President of the ruling party of the country, the Commander of the Army, as well as one of 50 most influential politicians in the world. During the mid-2010s he demonstrated quite hostile politics towards the other countries, especially to the traditionally opposing country of South Korea, but in April 2018 suddenly two countries expressed their will to stop their opposition and get closer with each other. Kim Jong-un is married to Ri Sol-Ju, who is the mother of one daughter, and possibly two more children of the leader. Very little is known about Ri Sol-Ju and her family.

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