How old is Khalid?
Khalid was born on 11 February 1998.
Khalid is 27 years old.
How old is Khalid in days now?
Khalid is 27 years 1 month 19 days old.
Total 9,909 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Khalid?
Khalid's next birthday is in 10 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Khalid?
Zodiac sign of Khalid is Aquarius.
Khalid (Khalid Donnel Robinson) is a young American hip hop singer and rapper, songwriter and musician. He was born in 1998 in the US but spent a part of his childhood in Germany, Europe, because his mom was employed in the military field. She loved music very much and dedicated herself to making her son study music and musical theater in his high school times. Khalid started writing songs and developing as a musician since he was 13, and he managed to earn some popularity by posting his songs at SoundCloud. His very first singles, "Reason", "Hopeless","Let's Go", and finally "Location" was released in 2016, and the latter raised to Billboard Charts up to No 20. The song became really popular and Khalid started being invited to perform it in different places and venues. In 2017, the young singer received MTV Video Music Award as the young singer. His first album titled American Teen was released in 2017 too and reached No 4 in American, as well as No 1 in Canadian and Australian charts.