How old is Bear Payne?
Bear Payne was born on 22 March 2017.
Bear Payne is 8 years old.
How old is Bear Payne in days now?
Bear Payne is 8 years 9 days old.
Total 2,931 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bear Payne?
Bear Payne's next birthday is in 11 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bear Payne?
Zodiac sign of Bear Payne is Aries.
Bear Payne is a young celebrity and the son of two famous singers, one of the girls from Girls Aloud Cheryl Ann Tweedy and a handsome guy from One Direction Liam Payne. Born in 2017 in London, he is the first and only son of his parents. Cheryl and Liam met in the late 2000s, during the auditions and making the popular TV show The X Factor. Shortly after Liam became a member of One Direction, and Cheryl got divorced from her first husband, a famous British soccer player, got married again and continued working as a judge on The X Factor. In the mid 2010s Cheryl got divorced again and unexpectedly started dating Liam Payne who is 10 years younger than her. In March 2017 Bear Payne came to this world. His parents have never shown Bear's face claiming that the boy has a right for privacy during his childhood. Thus, his face isn't known and it is only possible to see his hand or other body part on the photos that his parents post on their social media accounts.
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