How old is ShermanTheVerman?
ShermanTheVerman was born on 6 October 1999.
ShermanTheVerman is 25 years old.
How old is ShermanTheVerman in days now?
ShermanTheVerman is 25 years 5 months 22 days old.
Total 9,305 days old now.
When is the next birthday of ShermanTheVerman?
ShermanTheVerman's next birthday is in 6 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of ShermanTheVerman?
Zodiac sign of ShermanTheVerman is Libra.
A cool YouTube star, ShermanTheVerman is a charismatic guy from California who has managed to attract about 1.5 million fans to his channel for his entertaining and funny content (as of the late 2024). He was born Anthony Jabro in 1999 and grew up in San Diego, alongside his friends and family. He has got a sister who is also known on Instagram for her gorgeous looks, and a YouTube superstar FaZe Rug is his relative too. Sherman started his vivid online activities in the early 2016 by opening his YouTube channel and initially used it as a vlog telling his viewers about his life and interests. However later on he understood that he is good at making some adventure and entertaining content, so at the end of the decade he started to gain followers really fast. Recently, his main focus is sharing his luxury lifestyle elements like expensive clothes or footwear, etc. In addition to YouTube, ShermanTheVerman can be found on other popular platforms like Twitter or Instagram. As of 2024, he is dating an Instagram star Leslie Guerrero.
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