How old is Addi Apgar?
Addi Apgar was born on 14 January 2010.
Addi Apgar is 15 years old.
How old is Addi Apgar in days now?
Addi Apgar is 15 years 2 months 10 days old.
Total 5,548 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Addi Apgar?
Addi Apgar's next birthday is in 9 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Addi Apgar?
Zodiac sign of Addi Apgar is Capricorn.
A newly emerged social media sensation, Addi Apgar has just became known as a friend of Nidal Wonder, an athlete and one of the top YouTube stars. Addi was born in 2010 and has lived in the US for all of her life. She has a brother who was the one to recognize Nidal Wonder in one of the local Costco supermarkets. That is how they all met in 2021. Thanks to that lucky incident, Addi got a chance to enter a circle of famous and successful young social media personalities like Gavin Mangus and others. Addi has her over Instagram account which is her first attempt to find her way in the world of social media networking, and he content is gaining popularity nowadays. She is also a good friend with Jiji Wonder, the sister of Nidal. It is also worth mentioning that Addi Apgar is recently being involved in making more and more of join content with the Wonder family.
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