How old is Chiara King?
Chiara King was born on 17 January 1999.
Chiara King is 26 years old.
How old is Chiara King in days now?
Chiara King is 26 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 9,563 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chiara King?
Chiara King's next birthday is in 9 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chiara King?
Zodiac sign of Chiara King is Capricorn.
A British TikTok superstar and singer, Chiara King is the queen of comedy content based on relationships and the role of women in the relationships. She was born in 1999 in the UK and was raised there. With a multitude of interests as a child, at her teen ages she turned out to be good at music, singing, dancing, sports, communication, and especially sense of humor. Those are the skills that are essential for a modern social media star, and combined with her personal charisma, those skills helped Chiara to amass about 4 million fans on her channel (as of the early 2025). Her videos include sketches and comments on dating, some funny moments from her life, hilarious musical pieces, and a lot more. Chiara King has released a few singles which are also available on her channel, and the total number of likes of her whole content is exceeding a half of a billion. She is currently dating Toufiluk, a comedian and social media star of Lebanese origins.
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