How old is only1aliya?
only1aliya was born on 6 January 2008.
only1aliya is 17 years old.
How old is only1aliya in days now?
only1aliya is 17 years 2 months 6 days old.
Total 6,275 days old now.
When is the next birthday of only1aliya?
only1aliya's next birthday is in 9 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of only1aliya?
Zodiac sign of only1aliya is Capricorn.
A model-like looking TikTok star specializing on beauty and body care content, only1aliya has been promoting her channel for about 2 years and, as of the early 2025, has managed to attract the fanbase approaching to 1.3 million people. She was born in 2008 in Latvia but spent her early years in the USA. Music and fashion have been her topic interests for most of her life, and they are actually the main topics of her videos that she is sharing on her TikTok channel. Her first videos were the ones revealing the secrets of her make up and body care cosmetics, as well as introducing her lifestyle and view points to her followers. Later on only1aliya became a great place to find a lot of entertaining content with various music, positivity, and energy. One of her most viewed videos is the one in which she is sharing her experience of "being well-known", and which has attracted over 10 million views.
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