How old is Gabrielle Alayah?
Gabrielle Alayah was born on 21 January 2004.
Gabrielle Alayah is 21 years old.
How old is Gabrielle Alayah in days now?
Gabrielle Alayah is 21 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 7,739 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gabrielle Alayah?
Gabrielle Alayah's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gabrielle Alayah?
Zodiac sign of Gabrielle Alayah is Aquarius.
Gabrielle Alayah is a TikTok star known for her comedy focused videos like lip syncing, comedy skits, dancing, and such. She was born in 2004 in Louisiana and spent her childhood years in the city of Atlanta as well as in LA, alongside her family. She is very close with her mum and often talks about her in the videos. Gabrielle appears in front of her viewers as a typical teenage girl, with typical interests and skills, but those turn out to be outstanding since her channel and her content become popular. She loves all kinds of music, from hip hop to pop, and uses songs of various styles for her lip syncing exercises. She also has unique dancing moves which she demonstrates gladly in her videos. As of March 2025, there are about 800,000 followers on her channel, but it is for sure that the number will continue growing up in the future. If you want to find and join the channel of Gabriel Alayah, you can search for its name, igobygg.
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