How old is Ayden Fulmer?

Ayden Fulmer was born on 9 January 2004.
Ayden Fulmer is 21 years old.

How old is Ayden Fulmer in days now?

Ayden Fulmer is 21 years 2 months 16 days old.
Total 7,746 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ayden Fulmer?

Ayden Fulmer's next birthday is in 9 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ayden Fulmer?

Zodiac sign of Ayden Fulmer is Capricorn.

A TikTok star with the image of a daring and sporty teenager, Ayden Fulmer has a channel where he is sharing dozens of videos featuring his friends and girlfriend doing various challenges and sports. Born in 2004 in the US, he has been trying to get some popularity on the platform since the late 2018, so he began appearing as an active and cute teenage boy who loved skating, all kinds of outdoor activities, and having fun with his friends. Just like a few other teenage stars, Ayden is trying to attract new fans with his energy and outstanding ideas as to entertaining and funny video content. In the early 2020s he revealed that he was a professional skateboarder and had entered a number of the local competitions. His fans love opening his Instagram account pages and find plenty of cool photos of Ayden Fulmer morning skateboarding sessions, or his photos with her girlfriend.

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