How old is Mully?
Mully was born on 7 January 1994.
Mully is 31 years old.
How old is Mully in days now?
Mully is 31 years 2 months 18 days old.
Total 11,400 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mully?
Mully's next birthday is in 9 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mully?
Zodiac sign of Mully is Capricorn.
Mully is a YouTube and Instagram superstar who has been around with his great content for many years. Being an Australian born, he came to this world in 1994 and was raised in quite a poor family. His real name is William Jonas. His social media accounts appeared in the mid 2010s, and one of his first accounts literally set a record by attracting over 100,000 fans for less than 2 months. his content is a combination of some gaming stuff with a lot of daily fun and entertainment that he is really good at producing. His fans are loyal and extremely cheerful, they always wait for some new videos, as well as the podcasts and other projects that Mully takes part in. He has been promoting plenty of channels, with some being closed and opened on an off, and as of February 2025, there are over 10 million people are subscribed to his TikTok, about 6 million people are following his YouTube channel, and there are also over a half million followers on his X / Twitter account. Many other YouTube stars agree that Mully has been a great inspiration for them, with his great talent to making excellent and interesting content.
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