How old is QCP?
QCP was born on 11 January 2000.
QCP is 25 years old.
How old is QCP in days now?
QCP is 25 years 2 months 14 days old.
Total 9,205 days old now.
When is the next birthday of QCP?
QCP's next birthday is in 9 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of QCP?
Zodiac sign of QCP is Capricorn.
A charming and talented TikTok star, QCP has got his fame for his absolutely hilarious and cool comedy content, as well as for his hip hop compositions that sometimes appear on his channel too. He was born Gianluca Conte in 2000 in North Caroline, and he was raised by his parents who are immigrants from Italy, alongside his three sisters. As a teenager, he would be extremely interested in music and choreography, sports and bodybuilding, computers and the Internet, and also good food. As a true Italian, he loves pasta and has an incredible sense of humor. He began posting online in the mid 2010s and his initial focus was his music. His song "Can't Stop Me" has been viewed by a few millions of people. However, later on Gienluca figured out that in order to continue as a social media star, he needs to sacrifice his dreams about becoming a musician and make more time for his social media activities. His natural charm and wit are the things that help QCP to attract new and new fans. As of the early 2025, there are about 3 million people are following his Instagram, about 8 million fans are subscribed to his YouTube, and there are over 13 million fans of his TikTok channel. He states having his personal TV show one day as one of his best dreams.
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