How old is Lil Yachty?
Lil Yachty was born on 23 August 1997.
Lil Yachty is 27 years old.
How old is Lil Yachty in days now?
Lil Yachty is 27 years 7 months 3 days old.
Total 10,077 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lil Yachty?
Lil Yachty's next birthday is in 4 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lil Yachty?
Zodiac sign of Lil Yachty is Virgo.
Lil Yachty is an American singer and rapper known for his red hair. He was born Miles Parks McCollum in 1997 in Georgia. At the age of 17, he moved to New York City to pursue his career as a rapper and started promoting his music on SoundCloud. In 2015 his first single "One Night" became popular and opened Yachty a way to make necessary contacts in the world of hip hop. He collaborated with Kanye West, DRAM, Kyle, and other rappers. In 2016 he released his two first mixtapes with the singles like "Minnesota", "Wanna Be Us", "Pretty", "Life Goes On", and many others. In 2017 his first studio album Teenage Emotions came out and managed to reach No 5 in Billboard Charts. A year later, two more albums were released and brought more popularity helping Yachty attract more attention of hip hop fans. In 2018 he became one of the presenters of annual MTV Awards. Lil Yachty also tried acting and modeling by collaborating with a few clothes producing companies. His YouTube channel is extremely popular and, as of the mid 2024, there are almost 2.9 million followers there.