How old is lalogonebrazzyy22?

lalogonebrazzyy22 was born on 11 October 1999.
lalogonebrazzyy22 is 25 years old.

How old is lalogonebrazzyy22 in days now?

lalogonebrazzyy22 is 25 years 5 months 17 days old.
Total 9,300 days old now.

When is the next birthday of lalogonebrazzyy22?

lalogonebrazzyy22's next birthday is in 6 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of lalogonebrazzyy22?

Zodiac sign of lalogonebrazzyy22 is Libra.

Lalogonebrazzyy22 is an experienced Instagram star of Mexican origins who used to be known as a TikTok star as well. Born in 1999 in the USA, he has been a huge fan of music since his childhood and learned to play musical instruments. His real name is Nalgon. He decided to become active on social media platforms in the early 2020s and opened his TikTok channel. He would share various interesting moments of his life, his music, and even some food eating videos. Recently, lalogenebrazzy22 has been appearing in front of his viewers with his girlfriend. As of the late 2024, the number of the followers of his TikTok channel is firmly approaching to 1 million people. He has also been promoting his Instagram account with great and funny snapshots of his daily life and activities. Sometimes he shared photos with his lovely dog.

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