How old is MatPat?

MatPat was born on 15 November 1986.
MatPat is 38 years old.

How old is MatPat in days now?

MatPat is 38 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 14,016 days old now.

When is the next birthday of MatPat?

MatPat's next birthday is in 7 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MatPat?

Zodiac sign of MatPat is Scorpio.

MatPat is a famous YouTube star and content creator known for his fascinating videos that he has been posting on his channel. Born Matthew Patrick in 1986 in Ohio, he grew up in Medina and has been interested in fine arts and acting since his early ages. He graduated from the University of Duke where he studied psychology and acting. After graduation, he relocated to New York and tried to find a job in local theaters, at the same time working on promoting his YouTube channel. The idea of creating an online TV series Game Theory came to his mind in 2011 when he started gaining first thousands of followers on his YouTube channel. The episodes of the web series were focused on various issues related to psychology, social science, logic, virtual world, and so on. The success of the series made MatPat start working on other kinds of projects like Film Theory, MatPat's Game Lab, the game show The Runner, and others. As of the mid 2024, there are over 19 million followers of his YouTube account and is one of the most popular YouTubers of this segment. MatPat is married to his university sweetheart and the couple has a child.

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