How old is David Guetta?
David Guetta was born on 7 November 1967.
David Guetta is 57 years old.
How old is David Guetta in days now?
David Guetta is 57 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 20,961 days old now.
When is the next birthday of David Guetta?
David Guetta's next birthday is in 7 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of David Guetta?
Zodiac sign of David Guetta is Scorpio.
David Guetta is a popular French DJ and producer, known as one of the founders of Gum Productions and a very prolific musician. He was born in 1967 in Paris and his father is of Moroccan origin. In the late 1980s David started playing his own music in various nightclubs of Paris like Rex, Folies, Le Centrale, etc. Guetta released his first single together with Robert Owens, but real popularity came to him with the song "Just a Little More Love" which came out in 2001. Guetta's first solo album had the same name, "Just a Little More Love", and it became the first and very important step in David's long way to fame. The most sold and popular album of David Guetta, One Love, was recorded in 2009. In 2011 and 2013 he was twice voted as the best DJ of Mag Top 100 DJs. "Titanium", "Hey Mama", "Turn Me On", "When Love Takes Over" can be named among the most popular compositions of the DJ. David was married to Cathy Guetta and has 2 children, but the couple divorced in 2014. Later on he got married again and has got one more son.