How old is Pauly D?
Pauly D was born on 5 July 1980.
Pauly D is 44 years old.
How old is Pauly D in days now?
Pauly D is 44 years 8 months 20 days old.
Total 16,334 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Pauly D?
Pauly D's next birthday is in 3 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Pauly D?
Zodiac sign of Pauly D is Cancer.
Pauly D is an American DJ and TV project participant known for hosting a few shows on MTV. Born Paul D. DelVecchio Junior in 1980 in Providence, he grew up in the family of Italian origins, alongside his parents and sister. Music has been his passion since his early childhood, and Pauly started trying himself as a DJ in his late teen ages. He cites DJ AM as his main inspiration for his musical experiments. In the late 2000s he took part in a popular TV show Jersey Shore followed by one more program, The Choice. In the early 2010s he released a few singles as a DJ but rather continued as a TV star focusing mainly on the shows like Famously Single, Marriage Bootcamp and others. Pauly D is a famous DJ who collaborated with a large number of stars, staring from Britney Spears and ending up with Big Sean.