How old is Ryland Lynch?

Ryland Lynch was born on 17 April 1997.
Ryland Lynch is 27 years old.

How old is Ryland Lynch in days now?

Ryland Lynch is 27 years 11 months 9 days old.
Total 10,205 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ryland Lynch?

Ryland Lynch's next birthday is in 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ryland Lynch?

Zodiac sign of Ryland Lynch is Aries.

A cool guy and one of the Lynch family, Ryland Lynch is a DJ and a member of R5 band, alongside his four siblings. Born in 1997 in Colorado, he spent his childhood in the city of Littleton alongside his parents and his brothers Rocky, Ross, and Riker, as well as his sister Rydel. He has been a social media and musical star just like his siblings for over 10 years. Their family band named R5 was formed in the very early 2010, and their music immediately attracted public attention. At that time, Ryland was only 12 years old and he was rather a supporting member of the band. Later in the decade her began getting focused on being a DJ and touring together with the band. As of the early 2024, he is an Instagram star, with the number of fans close to 600 thousand people. Ryland Lynch dated Kelsey Calemine but the couple split up.

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