How old is Tiësto?
Tiësto was born on 17 January 1969.
Tiësto is 56 years old.
How old is Tiësto in days now?
Tiësto is 56 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 20,522 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tiësto?
Tiësto's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tiësto?
Zodiac sign of Tiësto is Capricorn.
A Dutch DJ Tiësto is famous for his numerous hits and performances he delivered. He was born as Tijs Michiel Verwest in 1969 in the Netherlands, and he started getting serious about making his own music at the age of 14. In the late 1980s, he was experimenting with various music styles trying to find his own and starting from the early 1990s Tiësto began taking part in the activities of various clubs where he could demonstrate his findings live. Starting from 2001 he released 6 studio albums so far and released plenty of singles. The musician collaborated with plenty of European DJs and singers, as well as produced a lot of bands and singers. Tiësto delivered an amazing performance at the opening ceremony of 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. Tiësto received Grammy award for his 4th studio album, and also a large number of awards. He is considered one of the best DJs who play the progressive house, electro house, big room house, deep house, trance, and others. Tiësto is also a holder of the Order of Orange-Nassau granted to him by the Dutch Royal family.