How old is Leigh Lezark?

Leigh Lezark was born on 26 July 1984.
Leigh Lezark is 40 years old.

How old is Leigh Lezark in days now?

Leigh Lezark is 40 years 8 months 2 days old.
Total 14,855 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Leigh Lezark?

Leigh Lezark's next birthday is in 3 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Leigh Lezark?

Zodiac sign of Leigh Lezark is Leo.

Leigh Lezark is an American DJ and model, who is known as a member of The Misshapes. Born in 1984 in Toms River, New Jersey, Leigh has loved music since her very early ages. During her school years, she started producing her first mixtapes and uploading those online. In college, she met Greg Krelenstein and Geordon Nicol, and in 2003 they created a group of DJs named The Misshapes. They focused their activities on organizing a variety of parties, promoting their recordings and soundtracks, collaborating with a large number of famous musicians and promoting culture-related events. Lezark was one of the initiators of the idea to publish a fashion related book. She did some modeling and took part in a number of fashion shows. In the early 2010s, Leigh Lezark also tried herself in acting and took part in such projects as Enter Nowhere, Missed Connections, and Time to Choose.

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