How old is Skrillex?

Skrillex was born on 15 January 1988.
Skrillex is 36 years old.

How old is Skrillex in days now?

Skrillex is 36 years 4 months 5 days old.
Total 13,275 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Skrillex?

Skrillex's next birthday is in 7 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Skrillex?

Zodiac sign of Skrillex is Capricorn.

Skrillex is an American musician, DJ, songwriter, and music producer. Born in 1988 in LA as Sonny John Moore, he had quite difficult childhood accompanied by various family and teenage hood related problems. He was interested in music and used to visit various concerts of amateur punk, hard rock, and electronic music bands. He, later on, joined various bands like From First to Last, Dog Blood, Jack Ü, and others. His solo career started in 2007 when Skrillex released his first three singles. His first EP came out in 2009, and the next decade brought him a large popularity as one of the leading DJs in dance electronic music. So far, Skrillex has released plenty of singles and received 6 Grammy awards in Dance and Electronic Music nominations. He always gladly joins various tours and live music projects in order to extend his audience. He has his own music label, and as a music producer, Skrillex worked with a number of bands and musicians, for some of them he also worked as song mixing director. He named Jim Morrison and Marylin Manson among his musical idols.

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