How old is Wesley Stromberg?

Wesley Stromberg was born on 6 December 1993.
Wesley Stromberg is 31 years old.

How old is Wesley Stromberg in days now?

Wesley Stromberg is 31 years 3 months 1 day old.
Total 11,414 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Wesley Stromberg?

Wesley Stromberg's next birthday is in 8 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Wesley Stromberg?

Zodiac sign of Wesley Stromberg is Sagittarius.

Wesley Stromberg is a famous American musician, songwriter, and actor, who is known for his work in the band Emblem3. He was born in 1993 in Washington, to the family of a music producer, and the family is quite large, with all children loving music and trying to develop a career in music. Wesley started playing musical instruments when he was 6 years old and he wrote his first song when he was 12. Shortly after, together with his friend, he recorded his first songs, and this way established his first band. Wesley continued playing music with his younger brother Keaton, and after finishing high school they moved to California where they shortly recorded their first album Bit Your Lip Up and Take It. As the band Emblem3, in 2012 they auditioned for The X Factor show and managed to be accepted to the program. They reached up to semi-finals and obtained some good audience which loved their music. The post-X Factor years were very successful for Stromberg and the band. They toured with Selena Gomez and recorded a real studio album Nothing to Lose. Their further singles like "Forever Together", "Songs from the Couch" and "Waking Up" climbed to the Top 25 in American charts. Wesley Stromberg has also tried himself in cinema, and his acting in Ice Cream in the Cupboard movie was really good. Since 2017 he has been pursuing his solo career and collaborating with other singers like Kenny Holland, etc.

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