How old is Kirk Hammett?

Kirk Hammett was born on 18 November 1962.
Kirk Hammett is 62 years old.

How old is Kirk Hammett in days now?

Kirk Hammett is 62 years 3 months 17 days old.
Total 22,755 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kirk Hammett?

Kirk Hammett's next birthday is in 8 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kirk Hammett?

Zodiac sign of Kirk Hammett is Scorpio.

Kirk Lee Hammett is one of the world's most famous guitarists and musicians known as a member of a cult heavy metal bands Metallica. He has been playing in the band since the very first years of its foundation in the early 1980s. Hammett was born in 1962 and spent his childhood in California. As a teenager, in addition to having passion for guitar music and Jimi Hendrix in particular, he was a huge fan of horror movies and would watch a lot of those. In the late 1970s he began to join some local metal bands like Exodus until he met his future Metallica mates in 1983. As a member of the band, he has taken part in all performances and projects, and his brand guitar riffs became the greatest contribution of his in the band's musical activities. Starting from the mid 2000s, Kirk Hammett has been repeatedly named among Top 10 or Top 20 best heavy metal guitarists of the world. He is an author and has written a few books about his life. He was married twice and has two sons, Angel and Vincenzo.

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