How old is Nemo Mettler?
Nemo Mettler was born on 3 August 1999.
Nemo Mettler is 25 years old.
How old is Nemo Mettler in days now?
Nemo Mettler is 25 years 7 months 6 days old.
Total 9,350 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nemo Mettler?
Nemo Mettler's next birthday is in 4 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nemo Mettler?
Zodiac sign of Nemo Mettler is Leo.
An extremely charismatic and charming musician and rapper, Nemo Mettler (or simply Nemo) became known to the general public as a winner of Eurovision 2024 contest, as well as a non-binary person with incredibly great and unforgettable personal style. They were born in 1999 in Switzerland and began showing their talent in music at a very early age. Before they turned 6 they had mastered some basic skills of playing violin and piano. As a young teenager they got seriously interesting in opera singing and received some training in it. When they were 16 years old he released their first EP named Clownfisch, followed by releasing their first really successful single "Cypher". Initially trying to become a rapper singing in Swiss German, Nemo would join plenty of battles and achieve some great success in those. In the early 2020s they went to Los Angeles and after that visit they made up their mind to continue rapping in English. In 2022 their fourth EP titled Whatever Feels Right which became known beyond Switzerland. In 2024 they were selected to represent their country on Eurovision and their performance impressed the spectators the most, so Nemo Mettler managed to win the finals. Their composition "The Code" has gained over 32 million views on Spotify, as of the summer 2024.