How old is Dave Grohl?

Dave Grohl was born on 14 January 1969.
Dave Grohl is 56 years old.

How old is Dave Grohl in days now?

Dave Grohl is 56 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 20,525 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Dave Grohl?

Dave Grohl's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Dave Grohl?

Zodiac sign of Dave Grohl is Capricorn.

Dave Grohl is a charismatic and talented guitarist and musician who is known as one of the founders of Foo Fighters and one of the musicians of Nirvana. He was born in 1969 in Ohio and is of German, Irish, and British origins. When he was a young teenager Dave started getting interested in music and punk rock, so he decided to learn playing musical instruments and eventually started joining the local bands. One of the first notable bands of his was named Scream which was a hardcore punk band, and later on Grohl joined a cult band Nirvana where he played drums alongside Kurt Cobain and other musicians. After spending a few years with Nirvana, he formed a new band Foo Fighters as a projects for himself to release a few songs of his, but it turned out to be extremely successful and so far it has released 11 studio albums. In addition to numerous recording sessions and tours, the band took part in making a few TV programs, documentaries, and even movies. For his continuous work on the field of music, in the early 2020s Dave Grohl was introduced to the Hall of Fame. He was married two times and has three children, including Violet Grohl who is a talented singer as well.

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