How old is Savannah Chrisley?

Savannah Chrisley was born on 11 August 1997.
Savannah Chrisley is 27 years old.

How old is Savannah Chrisley in days now?

Savannah Chrisley is 27 years 7 months 19 days old.
Total 10,093 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Savannah Chrisley?

Savannah Chrisley's next birthday is in 4 months 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Savannah Chrisley?

Zodiac sign of Savannah Chrisley is Leo.

Savannah Chrisley is a child actress and a reality TV show star who appeared in a few American realty TV shows. Born in 1997 in Georgia, to the family Julia and Todd Chrisley. She spent her early years in Atlanta, alongside her four siblings Lindsie, Greyson, Chase, and Kyle. As a child, Savannah took part in many beauty pageants and acting projects, including Miss Tennessee Teen Beauty Contest which she won. After high school she studied in Lipscomb University and continued in Belmont College. In 2014 the family began running a family oriented reality show Chrisley Knows Best which aired on some TV channels of Georgia and Tennessee. As one of the main stars of the TV series, Savannah became popular and her life became the focus of paparazzi and journalists. She dated a large number of famous young men including a hockey player Nic Kerdiles, a basketball player Luke Kennard, a singer Blaire Hanks, and so on. Savannah Chrisley is a popular social media star. As of the mid 2024, there are over 2.5 million followers on her Instagram channel, and all the fans love Savannah very much. 

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