How old is Anthony McPartlin?

Anthony McPartlin was born on 18 November 1975.
Anthony McPartlin is 49 years old.

How old is Anthony McPartlin in days now?

Anthony McPartlin is 49 years 4 months 7 days old.
Total 18,025 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Anthony McPartlin?

Anthony McPartlin's next birthday is in 7 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Anthony McPartlin?

Zodiac sign of Anthony McPartlin is Scorpio.

A famous and successful British TV host, Anthony McPartlin is a former actor and hip hop singer who is considered and known as a part of a duo Ant&Dec together with Dec Donelly, as well as the winner of plenty TV awards and an OBE appointment. He was born in 1975 in Newcastle and started appearing on TV in the mid 1990s, in the programs like Byker Grove, Why Don't You?, and others. While working on one of such projects, Tony met Declan Donnelly who soon became his long term workmate and a partner in terms of a host duo known as Ant&Dec. Together, they took part in a large number of projects including Britain's Got Talent, Saturday Night Takeaway, Pop Idol, I'm a Celebrity, and so on. In addition to their activities as TV hosts, they also recorded a number of songs and pop music compositions which received extremely warm reaction in the UK. They were active on TV till the late 2010s, and then in the early 2020s as well. Anthony McPartlin was married to Lisa Armstrong, a make-up artist, and then he got married to his personal assistant Anne Marie Corbett.

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