How old is Kelly Hyland?
Kelly Hyland was born on 16 May 1971.
Kelly Hyland is 53 years old.
How old is Kelly Hyland in days now?
Kelly Hyland is 53 years 10 months 11 days old.
Total 19,674 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kelly Hyland?
Kelly Hyland's next birthday is in 1 month 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kelly Hyland?
Zodiac sign of Kelly Hyland is Taurus.
Kelly Hyland is a reality show star who rose to fame as a participant of Dance Moms show. She was born in 1971 in Pennsylvania and as a child she studied a lot of kinds of dance, as well as acrobatics. She was one of the dancers of Maryen Miller and then continued as one of the Abby Lee Miller dancer. At high school she was a cheer leader. In the mid 1990s she got married to Randy Hyland and the couple became parents to three wonderful children. Her daughters Paige Hyland and Brooke Hyland have been great fans of dancing since their early years and they received some great training as young dancers. In 2011 together with their mom they joined the show Dance Moms. She has got a reputation of a very liberal mum who trusts her daughters so much and gives them a lot of freedom. She is currently divorced with her husband. Kelly Hyland has appeared in a large number of other shows related to dancing, alongside her friends and fellow dancing mothers like Melissa Ziegler, Holly Fraizer, Jill Vertez, and others.
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