How old is Holly Willoughby?
Holly Willoughby was born on 10 February 1981.
Holly Willoughby is 44 years old.
How old is Holly Willoughby in days now?
Holly Willoughby is 44 years 1 month 17 days old.
Total 16,116 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Holly Willoughby?
Holly Willoughby's next birthday is in 10 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Holly Willoughby?
Zodiac sign of Holly Willoughby is Aquarius.
Holly Willoughby is a charismatic and beautiful TV presenter and host, a model and an author who has been a co-host of a popular British morning TV show This Morning for over 12 years. Born Holly Marie Willoughby is 1981 in Brighton, she started her work on stage when she was only 14 when she joined some local modeling projects including some commercials and such. In the early 2000s she started appearing in some TV projects, mainly as a co-host of some reality shows like SClub7 or The Fate Academy. In 2004 she became a host of her personal show which she hosted together with Stephen Mulhrem, and later in the decade she became a presenter of Dancing On Ice which became a really popular TV show later on. In 2009 Holly started to collaborate with the show This Morning and shortly after became its face. The early 2010s were marked by receiving a prestigious award as the Most Popular Entertainment Presenter. Holly Willoughby also appeared in such TV shows as Loose Women, Text Santa, Surprise Surprise, The One Show, Play to the Whistle, The Games, etc. She is married to a TV producer and they have three children, a daughter and two sons.
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