How old is Natalie Nunn?

Natalie Nunn was born on 26 December 1984.
Natalie Nunn is 40 years old.

How old is Natalie Nunn in days now?

Natalie Nunn is 40 years 3 months old.
Total 14,700 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Natalie Nunn?

Natalie Nunn's next birthday is in 9 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Natalie Nunn?

Zodiac sign of Natalie Nunn is Capricorn.

Natalie Nunn is a beautiful and charismatic reality show star known as one of the participants of Bad Girls Club on Oxygen in the late 2000s. She was born in 1984 in California and grew up alongside his brother and his parents of African, Brazilian, and Puerto Rican origins. As a secondary school student she loved athletics and took part in some local competitions. As a student of University of Southern California she played in a soccer team. In the late 2000s Natalie was invited to join the cast of Bad Girls Club 4 where she demonstrated truly great performance. She continued in some other reality shows like Love Games. In the 2010s Nunn appeared in numerous spin offs of Bad Girls Club as well as in some webshows like Baddies. Since 2012 Natalie Nunn has been married to a football player and a reality show star Jacob Panye and in 2017 they become parents to a lovely daughter.

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