How old is Sapphire Blaze?
Sapphire Blaze was born on 16 March 1991.
Sapphire Blaze is 34 years old.
How old is Sapphire Blaze in days now?
Sapphire Blaze is 34 years 10 days old.
Total 12,429 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sapphire Blaze?
Sapphire Blaze's next birthday is in 11 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sapphire Blaze?
Zodiac sign of Sapphire Blaze is Pisces.
Sapphire Balze is a reality show star and a TV personality known for her participation in one season of a TV show named Baddies East and some other TV shows in Florida. She was born Kendra Blaze in 1991 and grew up alongside her family in the USA. As a young lady she got involved in some projects and TV programs related to fashion and modeling. Later on she was invited to join some TV shows, as a friend of such stars as Destiny Henderson (aka Sukihana), who was the one to make Sapphire join the cast of Baddies East. In the show she starred alongside Natalie Nunn. Sapphire Blaze is a very active social media networking site user and can be found on many of them. In particular, as of March 2025, there are about a third of a million subscribers follow her on Instagram and enjoy every single piece of video or photo that she has been sharing for a few years. She can be found on Twitter and TikTok as well.